My first (and only) kit. Originally a cheap kit to get started. Heads have been changed and cymbals replaced so the kit now has quite a loud and hefty sound. It can however be played with a lot of subtlety and can be tuned to fit the needs of pretty much any sound.
Reasonably new drummer but a very fast learner according to ...
1ère série Black Panther Edition llmitée. Toms 10,12,14,16 ; GG 20 ; CC érable 20 ; double
Batteur amateur, disponible, mobile, fan rock, métal, je n'a...
C't-un étrange d'appareil qu'est fait pour taper dessus, fais de fûts(vides) et cymbales
Je me débrouille bien, suis inspiré. Pas de style de prédile...